Wednesday 15 May 2024

That Portrait

 There are several things that worry me about Jonathan Yeo's disturbing new portrait of the King – the harsh, wrinkle-heavy rendering of the face (and hands), the facial expression of something close to despair (maybe just resignation?), above all the hideous pink-red mist from which the poor King's features loom – but the detail that mystifies me most is the butterfly about to alight on the royal shoulder. We are told this is to highlight the beauty of nature and the King's concern for the environment. If that is the case, he might at least have chosen a British butterfly, not this gaudy American species that only turns up here as an occasional vagrant (or escape from a butterfly release at some social event). A couple of (British, endangered) Adonis Blues would have fitted the bill much better, and made a welcome break from all that red. 

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