Wednesday, 22 October 2008

Only in Britain...

It's somehow reassuring that stories like this can still be found. The chocolate-coated camera is the killer detail...


  1. Good one. Perhaps a woodsman with a chocolate-coated ferret might have managed what eight fireman failed to achieve, though.

  2. Too right Mark. DynoRod might have been worth a call too...

  3. On his blog and during recent TV appearences Fry has compared the meanings of the phrases "Only in America!" and "Only in Britain!", which he would associate with something predictable, miserable, oppressive, dull, bureaucratic, queuey, damp, spoil-sporty or incompetent.

    That's a little harsh, I think. The labels 'incompetent' and 'damp' may apply here, but this (dare I say it) heartwarming story shows that the implications of the phrase "Only in Britain" are a little more complex than Stephen suggests.

  4. Oh they are, they are, Joey Joe Joe. Heartwarming and bonkers...

  5. This is how national games are invented. I can see future world championships in catch the hamster with a vacuum with sock attachment. It would be more thrilling than golf. We just need a name for it. I suggest 'Hamster Suction'.

  6. Lothian and Borders pompiers turned up a few years ago to put out the hill fire threatening us, parked their engines, sat down and had a fag while they worked out plans A, B, C & D.
    In the meantime the Beucleugh estates people turned up (its their land) and, using their own equipment, extinguished the flames.

    The morale of the story, if you're heather or hamster, call the experts.
