Wednesday, 14 January 2009

Those Bouncing Czechs

This, apparently, is my 400th post on this blog - well I never... I shall use it to celebrate the Czech presidency of the EU. They're a mischievous lot, the Czechs, and the latest manifestation of their prankish spirit is this work of art (of a kind), which is causing an unholy row. David Cerny, the prankster who took control of the project, says he wanted to find out if the EU could laugh at itself. Well now he knows (most likely he knew all along). I particularly like Cerny's sensitive treatment of Bulgaria, and that nation of humorists, Germany - and he seems to have thrown in a little Muslim-baiting with his Denmark creation... The Czech President seems to be a good egg too - Eurosceptic and climate change sceptic - just what Europe (and the world) needs. It's going to be an, um, interesting EU presidency


  1. Not only do the Czechs have a sense of humour they are also extremely tolerant. Their cities have now become the default choice for a good spew by the British chav pack. Poor old Prague as Jaroslav and Eva said last week as they cursed Ryanair, Easyjet etc.

  2. Yes, they curse perfidious Albion even as they shovel British money into their pockets.

    What's Cerny done for us, or do we not even register as European?

  3. 400 and not out Nige, care to coach the England cracket team ?

  4. Vote NO to Free Europe, at!
