Monday, 15 September 2008

The Big Poem

I pass this on for two reasons: (a) It is very funny. (b) Doesn't that guy look uncannily like Ed Balls? Not that Broon's lot would ever fund such a visionary project...


  1. Sigh. I wish I were an onion.

  2. Nige, I sure hope you know that's a spoof by the Onion of Dana Gioia & the NEA's "Big Read" project. If you took it seriously, we're in big trouble here in the land of irony.

    Horrible pic of Dana. He is a good friend of mine and has done more for the arts in America than any National Endowment of the Arts head ever. He's the only one whose name anyone will remember, of that I'm sure.

  3. Seriously? No don't worry, Susan - irony reigns...

  4. Yes, it is a lousy pic of Dana, that's for sure. But the story sure is funny - and if anyone would get a kick out it, Dana would.
