Friday, 5 September 2008

A Scorched Guitar

This seems a high price for a scorched guitar (one careless user). By my calculations, this makes 150 Hendrix guitars equivalent to one top-rank Titian. More to the point, for the price of one such guitar, you could buy up a gallery full of a really good, but unfashionable British painter - which seems a rather better idea to me, but then if iconic guitars are your thing... The world, it seems, is full of elderly teenagers.


  1. Yet, strangely enough, a scorched Titian would probably reduce in value.

  2. A good point well made, Dick.

  3. Which unfashionable painter, Nige?

    I have to say I did very much like the comment of the director of the auctioneers, when he said: "The market remains good for the important items, but the lower end is very soft." Seems like it's a bit soft at both ends.

  4. A couple of walls of Patrick George perhaps? (I'm hoping that link is to some images - NigeCorp technology shows me only a blank screen)...

  5. Ms. Baroque, I know a good joke about being soft at both ends but Nige won't let me post it here.

  6. Ah, now that is LOVELY stuff Nige.

    Maybe I could manage a scorched Emin? Tent ashes perhaps.

    Dick, I can't imagine, really. You of all people, hard as a nut throughout.
