And before that there was Chartres. What can I say that hasn't already been said about that great cathedral? I knew it from books and pictures, but of course nothing can prepare you for the impact of the place itself - its sheer scale, the overwhelming beauty of its plain Gothic style, and the wonders of its sculptures and stained glass. Not to mention the unexpected darkness of the interior, which is only minimally lit, leaving the work of illumination to those magnificent stained glass windows, nearly all of them in place after seven centuries, most of them restored to full brilliance, all together giving an effect unlike any other church on this vast scale. My only regret was that I never saw them with full sun coming through - the weather was iffy and mostly cloudy. Still, it was quite beautiful and awe-inspiring enough - an endlessly rewarding building, inside and out. And the old town, by the river, at the foot of the cathedral crag, is quite lovely. I'm more than glad I've finally been to Chartres...
One thing I missed on my wanderings around the town was the memorial to Charles Peguy, to whom Chartres meant so much. To judge by Geoffrey Hill's poem The Mystery of the Charity of Charles Peguy (which I had with me in Chartres), I didn't miss much:
'.... Peguy, you mock us now.
History takes the measure of your brow
in blank-eyed bronze, brave mediocre work
of Niclausse, sculpteur, cornered in the park
among the stout dogs and lame patriots
and all those ghosts, far-gazing in mid-stride,
rising from where they fell, still on parade,
covered in glory and the blood of beetroots.'
Peguy died in a beetroot field, shot through the head on the first day of the battle of the Marne.
Glad to see you back Nige and good to know that Bryan's fine. I've missed his blog presence.
ReplyDeleteDarn, only just noticed. Some thrilling shots in the portfolio of the photographer you sourced your header image from.