Thursday 23 January 2014

Bon on this day...

... in 1832 was the great French painter Edouard Manet. Last year I greeted this birthday with the heading 'Manet Happy Returns'. Shame on me - I shan't be doing that again; there are only so manet times you can crack that one. I like his flower paintings very much, so here is one - though you might say that this one is more of a vase painting...


  1. Rather like the annual word-play Nige - it has had quite an impression on me. Also admire the subtle grace-note of a shift from Absinthe yesterday to The Absinthe Drinker are a deep pool Nige, a deep pool.

  2. Joey Joe Joe Jr.23 January 2014 at 17:53

    ...I shan't be doing that again...
    I hope so too - your Manet puns are becoming quite the folly (Bergère)...

  3. ...and when I read Joey JJ Jr's comment I immediately thought 'at last, Nige has Matisse match'.

  4. What a fabulous painting! Many thanks Nige.

  5. I like the fact that half of it shows the stems underwater. They seem more fascinating than the blooms, more real and less cliched somehow. A lot of his work shows life in its less formal aspect, more relaxed than the uptight Victoriana which surrounded him. He was one of us I think, ahead of his time.
