Saturday 10 September 2022

Nimrod/ Lux Aeterna

 For obvious reasons, we've heard a lot of this great English melody lately. Indeed, at the Proms, the Philadelphia Orchestra played it impromptu when news of the Queen's death came through. This vocal arrangement, written by John Cameron, and performed here by the wonderful Voces 8, is, I think, extraordinarily beautiful. If you have any tears left...


  1. A Tridentine missal I have gives the Introit for a funeral Mass as beginning 'Requiem aeternam dona eis Domine: et lux perpetua luceat eis."

    It refers one to Ezra 2, 34, which in the Vulgate (thanks to the Perseus project) runs "eoque vobis dico, gentes quae auditis et intellegitis: expectate pastorem vestrum, requiem aeternitatis dabit vobis, quoniam in proximo est ille, qui in finem saeculi adveniet. [35] parati estote ad praemia regni, quia lux perpetua lucebit vobis per aeternitatem temporis."

    1. Thanks George. Beautiful words (rusty though my Latin is)...
