Thursday 6 April 2023


 Following on from yesterday's post, here's a nice bit of literary synchronicity. Shelving some books today at the house into which we have still not yet moved, Mrs N opened a copy of Talking to the Sun, Kenneth Koch and Kate Farrell's wonderful anthology of poems and pictures 'for young people', and it fell open at this – an exuberant 'date poem' (though the date isn't in the title) by James Schuyler: 

I Think

I think
I will write you a letter,
June day. Dear June Fifth,
you’re all in green, so
many kinds and all one
green, tree shadows on
grass blades and grass
blade shadows. The air
fills us with motor
mower sound. The cat
walks up the drive
a dead baby rabbit
in her maw. The sun
is hot, the breeze
is cool. And suddenly
in all the green
the lilacs bloom,
massive and exquisite
in colour and shape
and scent. The roses
are more full of
buds than ever. No
flowers. But soon.
June day, you have
your own perfection:
so green to say
goodbye to. Green,
stick around
a while.

1 comment:

  1. Lovely, thank you; as was yesterday's.
