Friday, 10 June 2016

By the way...

Here's a piece I wrote about  Leighton House Museum for those fine purveyors of designer lamps, Pooky.

1 comment:

  1. As with many of your posts, Nige, I have shared this lovely one on the Salon de Southsea - a closed group of around 40 members (one is an editor of the Dabbler) for art/music/ lit/cinema/politics/comment I run on Facebook. Now that you are habituating yourself to the vagaries of Facebook you are more than welcome to visit. Yours would, indeed, be an august presence as the posts I have shared have drawn plenty of positive comments and "reactions' as they call them. Were you to enter our precincts you might have to tolerate some of my toxic Bremaining opinions but that will all end soon and there's much else to see and enjoy.
