Thursday 16 July 2009

Calories: Out for the Count

Here's the kind of research finding I like - the kind that agrees with what I already think. I've never bought into the notion that counting calories is a way to lose weight (the high-calorie but undoubtedly effective Atkins Diet is proof enough that weight regulation is a more complex affair than that). And now it seems that the calorie counts given on packaged foods are pretty wildly inaccurate anyway. Nige's top weight loss tip: Don't eat anything with sugar in it. We humans were never meant to eat such a thing (or to drink cow's milk, come to that - but that's another matter).


  1. Here's the kind of research finding I like - the kind that agrees with what I already think.

    You've said it all, Nige.

  2. agree with the sugar statement - with an extra clarification -

    all carbohydrates are effectively sugar. If this sugar is consumed and is excess to your body's energy requirements, it will be stored as fat. This means that all sweet fruit, fruit juice drinks, bread, pasta and (eek) alcohol is fattening.

    Far too many people fail to acknowledge the connection between carbohydrates and fat

  3. Quite so Worm, but refined sucrose is in a class of its own. I eat loads of fruit, bread, pasta, drink loads of fruit juice and alcohol, but I only ever put on a noticable amount of weight if I eat sugary things - I think it's because in nearly all sweet confections the carbo is mixed with fat. Killer combo.

  4. Serious question (for once) Nige: what about honey? I've tried to move away from sugar due to apparent obesity issues which I personally can't see myself...

    By the way, this fruit, pasta, and alcohol diet could make you a fortune. 'The Nige Diet' in the shops for Christmas perhaps?

  5. You're right, but sugar is so ubiquitous now it is quite hard to avoid. Even the cured meat counters in supermercados are full of stuff like "honey glazed" or "honey drizzled" and the "per portion" info on the packet seems to change with every brand. Plain old meat is harder to find. My impression is that the whole thing only really took off after World War Two with the invention of corn syrup, which could be sprayed on anything on an industrial scale.

    I go for the Art de Vany method but not too tightly. I'm jolly well going to have a treat now and then.

    Dick: I think honey has more calories than sugar but folks tend to use less of it so things balance out. Besides, honey's usually delicious taste makes a little of it go a lot further, imho.

  6. We humans were never meant to eat such a thing

    Sorry, Nige, but scientists have just discovered that our ancestors who evolved biologically to be hunters and gatherers were actually looking for ju jubes.

  7. Wot I say is

  8. Thanks Mark. But damn! Looks like my plan to inject myself with honey and shun all sugar is doomed to failure. Back to chewing the sugar cubes for breakfast, I guess.

  9. When have you ever put on noticeable amounts of weight Nige? You've always been the essence of svelteness.

    And one small point on sugar: without it, delicious puddings taste HORRIBLE. And who wants to give up delicious puddings, eh?

  10. I love sugary things and Carbs R Me. On the other hand, I swim a lot of laps at the gym and walk a couple of miles every day. I say, Eat what you love and then do whatever you have to do to keep the love handles at bay.

  11. MILK, you do not realise how dangerous it is until you halt all intake of Dairy.

  12. Kate, you'd be surprised - I've got the potential for a paunch at least - if I had a sweet tooth, I'd probably be in a Shatner-style man corset by now...
