Friday 16 April 2010

That Debate: Nige's Verdict

Nick Clegg can't wear a suit. What is it with him and suits? He always looks like a schoolboy in his first grown-up suit - one his mother bought him, allowing room for growth. His collars and ties look wrong too. He needs to change his tailor (from Mister Byrite?) if he expects to be taken seriously.
End of post-debate analysis.


  1. I don't care for suits myself. Top Hat and Tails for a wedding - that's what I like. Bags of swank.

  2. Apparently Clegg is a smoker! I heard it on the Facebook grapevine...

  3. Nick Clegg's suit was a curious colour - sort of muddy sailor blue a la John Lewis. Gordo stuck to funereal 'nearly black' (a popular colour for ladies tights), with touch of civil wedding pink in the tie department. Dave is ever the traditional Tory boy.

  4. He was at school with Louis Theroux who's job it was to wake him in the morning, enough said.
    Definitely not a cravat man.

  5. Malty! Welcome back! I'm reeling from these Clegg revelations - a smoker eh Kate? How very un-Lib Dem. His one thing in common with Obama. Can you see them having a guilty gasper out the back of the White House?...
