Thursday 10 March 2011

A Cat:: Update

It's never wise to write a cat's obituary. Sure enough, Scruffy has turned up! Someone found her and took her in to the vet, where she is 'under observation' while they adjust her meds - clearly she's been having a lot of fits. A joyous reunion will with luck be happening soon, assuming she's OK...
Scruffy, if you're reading this - I'd just like to make it clear that that's your lot. No more obits!


  1. You'll probably need to print an Eric Blore-style retraction now, to prevent Scruffy from suing you. Cats won't hesitate to screw you over, you know.

  2. Joey Joe Joe Jr.10 March 2011 at 11:27

    Brilliant news, Nige. They're made of tougher stuff than you think, cats. Ours never dissapeared for more than a few hours over the past fourteen or so years, then went missing for two months this winter, during which period we had The Snow. We thought she was a goner, then she turned up at a previous address, skinny but healthy. Surprisingly, it wasn't the last place we lived, but a house we moved out of six years ago. Anyway, I hope Scruffy enjoys a speedy recovery.

  3. Thanks Joey - they are indeed amazing creatures - and thanks for the legal advice Brit!

  4. Might need my own legal advice soon. We've just published a 1920s photo of a KKK event sponsored by 'Coco-Cola'...

  5. The Dickens side of me said, "Scruffy will return. Don't fret." I'm happy for both of you Nige. Cats, in my experience, are much tougher and more resourcefull, than us. Enjoy the reunion.

  6. That's great! And more proof that we don't own cats - they deign to occasionally allow us into their presence.

  7. Nothing like an early non-demise to put your relationship in perspective. I'll bet you'll appreciate Scruffy even more now that you unexpectedly have her back.

    By the way, were you aware that there once was an American rock band called Scruffy the Cat?

  8. Thanks everybody - I've been so busy today I've only just got round to checking out the blog. Glad to hear Scruffy the Cat was a band - always suspected she had a past...

  9. I suggest ditching the moggie moniker 'scruffy', replace with 'Schrödinger'
