Friday 5 July 2013

Looking Up

I was in Kensington Gardens this sunny lunchtime, where a substantial patch of lawn near the Palace has been left to revert to flower meadow (or it might have had a helping hand, it's hard to tell). It's a beautiful sight just now, with tall grasses in flower, a rich ground cover of clover and bird's foot trefoil, and a spangling of dog daisies - on one of which, feeding, sat a Painted Lady, my first of the year! A fine fresh specimen it was too. Seeing it brought back memories of the prodigious  Painted Lady Summer of 2009... Suddenly my butterfly year is looking up.


  1. How's your moth year looking?

    Dazzling Fly-by-Nights
    Moths at the American Museum of Natural History -

  2. Thanks Dave - beautiful images...
    My moth highlight of the year so far has been spotting an Elephant Hawk roosting at the foot of a vetch plant on a sunny afternoon.
