Tuesday 31 March 2015

Election Fever

The election campaign is under way (contain, if you can, your excitement), and last night's BBC news gave us a chilling foretaste of what's to come. We were treated to 20 minutes and more of stupefying tedium, anchored by Huw 'Mogadon' Edwards, live (if the word can be applied to him) from outside 10 Downing Street - plus, as if that weren't enough, a little bit more at the end of the bulletin. I've lived through quite a few elections in my time, and I  have never known one where the gulf between the frenzied excitement of those inside the politico-media bubble and the sullen apathy of the disenchanted electorate (outside Caledonia) has been quite so vast. I fear the two surest outcomes of this campaign will be a low turnout and a steep decline in viewing (and listening) figures for the news.
 Never mind - at least this election has given us a catchphrase, and it's a corker: 'Hell yes,' said Ed when asked by Paxo if he's tough enough to be PM, 'Hell yes, I'm tough enough.' Labour were soon doling out 'Hell yes' T-shirts and hailing their leader's toughness. I've written before about the Milliband brothers' place in the world of puppet animation - clean-cut David as head of International Rescue, Weird Ed as the face (and body) of Aardman. Now, it seems, Ed is moving on, aligning himself with the macho puppet world of Team America - 'F*ck yeah!' Shame he didn't go the whole hog - that would have livened things up a bit.


  1. "Am I tough anus": http://order-order.com/2015/03/27/ed-miliband-i-am-tough-anus/

  2. Oh dear god - excruciating indeed...

  3. "It's like a bad dream," said frau m, "is that the one where Ed is suspended from the rafters via a piano wire fixed to his nipples with safety pins, as Sturgeon, dressed as a Sioux warrior, beats his backside with a copy of the Arbroath Declaration, as the other one, whatshisname, stands waiting his turn, frantically attempting to fix a pair of fish-hooks to his scrotum," I tentatively enquired.

    'Yes, that's it, frau m replied."

  4. Have you noticed whenever Huw is anchoring the news he looks about shiftily. It's as if wants to convince the viewer he's not reading an autocue but going one better than his colleagues by pretending he's extemporising. Poor luckless man.

  5. I enjoy your blogposts and the resulting comments, feeling that they epitomise the Tory mindset. Please keep up the good work.

  6. I don't know about luckless, Bruce - he's landed quite a gig for a man of such, ah, limited talent...
