Monday 27 February 2023

Two Epics End (well, for now...)

 Over the weekend, to my own mild surprise, I completed the book on butterflies over which I have been labouring for an unconscionably long time. This project originated two or three years ago with a considerably shorter book, more of a very long essay, in which, to my very much greater surprise, a mainstream publisher showed a genuine interest – however, reasonably enough, he wanted it longer and more coherently organised, along the lines of a social history of the British enthusiasm for butterflies. This is the version I have finally managed to complete. Why did it take so long? Too much else going on in my life, I'm afraid – the big house move and all its attendant complications and frustrations, the demands of family life (chiefly, but by no means only, grandparenthood), all on top of the usual day-to-day business that eats up so much potential writing time. Not to mention sloth, late rising, procrastination and an over-developed taste for taking leisurely strolls. However, it is now done, and after a final reread I'll be sending it off...
  And as that long-drawn-out epic comes to an end, so does another one – tomorrow all our stuff (including books and CDs, hurrah) comes out of storage and will be delivered to the Lichfield house, where all is at last in a state of readiness. And here I must put in a word for the builders and associated tradespeople of the Lichfield area. In the past couple of months we have (of necessity) had the house deep cleaned, rewired, painted (inside) throughout, floored with timber, and had various plumbing and plastering issues sorted out. Everything has happened with little or no waiting time, everyone has got down to the job with total dedication – no sharp intakes of breath, no 'It'll cost you', no disappearing half way through to see to other jobs or visit the bookies – and everyone involved seems to be so well connected in the trade that they can call in others or recommend others at the drop of a hat. The work has been done perfectly, promptly, on schedule and on budget, and everyone has been friendly and obliging. After years of dealing with London builders, this feels like going to building trades heaven. I like it here.


  1. Hurray, well done. I love the idea of you sitting at a desk and thinking, "Oh, I've finished, I didn't expect that." What a nice moment it must have been.

    1. It was, and had been such a long time coming that it was quite a shock when it did.
