Friday 9 October 2009

For Lionel

A charity called Greek Animal Rescue was collecting (again) on Victoria station this morning. As the name suggests, they endeavour to rescue animals from the Greeks, whose attitude to their furry friends (as to so much else) is rather on the Turkish side. We Brits, by contrast, are generally speaking suckers and softies where animals are concerned (leaving aside what goes on out of sight in factory farms and slaughterhouses). Take this affecting story. The detail I particularly like is the 'moment's silence' for Lionel. Only in Blighty... The French would have had him out of his hole and into the pot before you could say 'Mmm homard thermidor' - and the Greeks, of course, would never dream of diving without a speargun. Fair makes you proud to be British. RIP atomised Lionel.


  1. There's also the business of donkeys. Never understood how the Dagos etc can be so beastly to them. We give them retirement sanctuaries and hats.

    God is an Englishman.

  2. heehee that actually made me laugh! - which probably means Im a heartless bastard or something

    Brit - donkey sanctuaries are often a big scam - get a whole load of knackered donkeys for free, stick em in a field where they cost very little to feed or look after (they're donkeys!) and then set yorself up as a charity, meaning you don't have to pay tax. simple!

  3. This is alarming information, Worm, especially as I've just written my will, leaving all worldly goods to the Bognor Regis Donkey Sanctuary, Spa and Wellness Centre.

  4. But think of the poor lobsters, Brit...

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. My beloved wife is Greek. She has told me repeatedly that she is profoundly upset by this Anglo-slandering of Greeks as anti-animal. She assures me modern Greeks are "EU", whatever that means, that they reject these "brigand" stereotypes and that they are thoroughly postmodern in their thinking. Their heros are Oprah and Obama with Greek subtitles. Puzzlingly, she also warns that I'll be hearing from her lawyer if I don't prove my manhood soon by slitting a Turk throat.

  7. This cruel little game has been causing outrage down under lately: Sure it wouldn't take off in Blighty!
