Friday 6 February 2009

Animated Relevance

So there I was, in a dream last night , talking to a friend who had been left by not one but two wives, but had now moved on to number three - who, happily, seemed very nice and no bolter. He was telling me how he had got his life back on track after someone had put him on to a new way of thinking. What was that? I inquired. 'Animated relevance,' he replied. 'Ah,' I nodded sagely, not having a clue what he was talking about. 'Animated relevance...'
I've no idea where that could have come from, but it's a fine sonorous phrase, and surely has self-help potential. 'Animated Relevance: A New Way to Unlock the Power of You'...


  1. Sounds like 'agreeing with whatever your wife says'. I can see how it could sustain a marriage.

  2. Animated Relevance: The Shortcut to A Tolerable Equanimity.

    Yes, I like it. I suspect it's one of those things where you only work out what it is after you've acheived it.

    Animated Relevance will inform my life from now on.

  3. By the way, talking of dream phrases, I recently had one where a man kept saying to me, over and over: "Time and tide and buttered eggs, time and tide and buttered eggs."

    I think it might have come from 'A Box of Delights'.

  4. I think it is good advice for those who need to make conversation with their neighbor at a dinner party.
