Friday 20 February 2009

How the BBC Works

Hmm it's very quiet out there today... Maybe this fine example of how the (licence-fee-funded) BBC works will get you going - though really it's beyond comment, and beyond parody.


  1. Well, sometimes you have to visit other people's pubs, you know. Get out and about, Nige, play the networking game.

    Photo below looks rather Dali-ish, I thought.

  2. My daughter had this misfortune to be auditioned by some BBC (3) people recently, I won't pass on her remarks.

  3. Am I missing something here?

    The BBC faces almighty criticism for failing to meet it's own compliance rules, so obviously wants to put that right. Now the BBC faces criticism for checking old content for compliance?

    OK, it's the teletubbies, but can you imagine the merde the BBC would find on it's shoes if somehow an old episode did fail compliance wise?

    I'd love the BBC to be taken away from everyone for a few months so everyone could realise how lucky we are to have it.

    Actually an hour or so of commercial radio should be enough to do the trick.

  4. I'm not a great lover of the 'independant' media organisations. Too many have their own motives for having a swipe at Auntie.

    The BBC are easy targets all too often - damned if they do and damned if they don't.

    For all of the faults and quirks, the idea of the beeb in the hands of Murdoch's Evil Empire is just too awful to contemplate.

  5. Sweagles and Simon:

    There are two separate questions which ought not to be mixed up.

    1) Should we have a publicly funded BBC at all?

    2) Are the people currently running the BBC actually any good?

    Of course there are some things the BBC does very well (radio and the news website spring to mind). But jeez, the Guardianista ethos is so painfully obvious.

    Personally my answer to (1) is yes, and not least because it's important that we retain the right as 'license-payers' to fulminate against the BBC to our hearts' content.

  6. The fact that this once great organisation can be categorised as an "easy target" I find curious, we pay for...
    Their wages
    Their pensions
    Their expenses
    Their running costs
    Their right to totally ignore what it is we want from a state owned broadcaster.
    Their right to constantly distort facts and events with their own opinions.
    Their right to expect their customers to accept whatever tripe it is they wish to throw at them.
    Their right not to sack employees with naked political bias (K.Wark)
    Their right to employ people with appalling personality disorders..K.Wark, J.Vine, that turd who used to run Goldman Sachs to name only three.
    Their right to so distort our way of life that we, the indigenous population, feel like foreigners in our own country.
    Their right to employ political journalists who are part and parcel of the sickening political comedy act we daily have to suffer.
    Do me a favour, we are the easy target audience of the BBC.

  7. I was watching the Milan derby on BBC3 this week, and the commentator had to check himself after declaring "I would have loved that [shot] to go in".

    He went on to clarify that he would have loved to see a shot like that go in for either of the teams.

    Just in case anyone accused him of bias. In a Milan derby.

    Maybe completely unrelated, but it could have been an example of the current mindstate of BBC staff.

  8. Go Malty!
    And nice one Desmond...

  9. I'm not sure about the ettiquette of responding to a third party on somebody else's blog. If I am in any way out of line, feel free to boot the comment, Nige.

    Be it license fee, subscription, the purchase of a newspaper we pay directly. When we buy products advertised in the media, we are paying a proportion to the advertisers.

    However, for the BBC, it is a statutory requirement another tax if you like - something that is part of the democratice process.

    I may only have a single vote, but I do have a vote and can participate in the selection of our representatives.

    For the other 'independant' organisations, I have no influence whatsoever.

    All of the critisisms you level at the BBC, I can, with equal validity, level at Murdoch's Evil Empire.

    I find that all 'news' outlets editorialise when they should be reporting. However, the BBC is the best of a very bad bunch.

    Watch Fox, the bias is appaling in my eyes - I suspect because we sit on opposite sides of the political slider.

    Without the BBC, I fear that we will all be faced with all future generations being brainwashed from Murdoch.

  10. OK, again, am I missing something here?

    In terms of the post we are all commenting on, what has the BBC done wrong in this instance? What is the magic third option that auntie hasn't thought of in this scenario? Or is this an excuse to slag off the beeb?

    We all know, that little bits of humour aimed more towards mum and dad end up in kid's TV don't we? Maybe a little bit slipped through that could be enough for someone to drum up a few thousand complaints about?

  11. The magic third option, Sweagles, is to take the sensible course and do nothing - these are repeats after all, of a programme for toddlers. But this would involve making a judgment, and the BBC is too terrified to make a judgment.

  12. Though to be fair the BBC did manage to make a judgment once recently - on the Gaza aid ad - and got it right. Credit where it's due...

  13. Excellent Mr Malty!
