Friday 17 October 2008

Ed and Chan

Predictably, but no less depressingly, yesterday's non-story of Ed's eager embrace of that meaningless 80 percent 'target' (see Supererogation Again, below) was the lead item on the BBC evening news, both on TV and (shamingly) on Radio.
Here's what I call a real news story.


  1. No, no, no, Adrian Moles mum was twice as long. As for Milly Band minor, right up there in children of the damned territory.
    Pinned to the door of the mountain refuge below the summit of Cheviot yesterday was the following notice....

    Today, October the fourteenth in the year of our lord 2008 were scattered here the ashes of Prudence. She Finally expired after years of abuse and torture at the hands of Brownian economics.
    May she rest in peace, may he rot in hell.

  2. Is it just me but does that stick inspect resemble Wilf Lunn's moustache?
